Digital user guides

How to cancel the Keep Warm function

Always check the User Manual for guidance on the safe use of your Clever Chef before you do any cooking.

Remember that you will be working with hot food, so always ensure that all safety requirements are fully in place before you start any cooking and please exercise care and caution as you follow the steps in this guide.

Take care when opening the lid as the food will be hot. Always use oven gloves and wear an apron to help protect yourself from burns.

Also refer to the Safety information topics in this guide for information.

1. At the end of the cooking period (see programme and settings guide in the manual to see if 'Keep Warm' is applicable to the chosen cooking mode) , the appliance will bleep and automatically switch over to ‘Keep Warm’ which will last up to 24 hours.


Press the Keep Warm/Cancel button to cancel the Keep Warm function.

3. Disconnect the power cord from the mains power and allow your CleverChef to cool for a few minutes.

4. Press the opening button to open the lid.

5. Remove the inner pot using oven gloves or a heat proof cloth.

After using your CleverChef please clean it by following steps in the Cleaning, Safety and Maintenance section.